On Orthodoxy in Russian


As a fellow Orthodox Christian, I understand the importance of preserving and promoting our faith through the language. I am passionate about helping my students not only learn Russian but also deepen their understanding of Orthodox Christianity. 

My classes will be a safe and supportive space where we can explore the richness of the Russian language while discussing topics related to Orthodox Christianity. We will study the language through authentic texts, videos, and audio materials that reflect the beauty and depth of our shared faith.

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced student, I will tailor my lessons to meet your individual needs. Together, we will work on improving your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, all while exploring the spiritual aspects of the language.

Studying Russian language for an Orthodox Christian living in the USA or Western Europe can be important for several reasons: 

  1. **Understanding Russian culture and history.** Russian is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and learning it allows you to better understand Russian culture, history, and traditions. This is especially important for Orthodox Christians who want to gain a deeper understanding of their faith and its roots. 
  1. **Communicating with Russian-speaking people.** There are many Russian-speaking communities in the USA and Western Europe. Knowing Russian will make it easier for you to communicate with them, find new friends and acquaintances, and access information in Russian. 
  1. **Reading religious texts.** Many Orthodox religious texts are written in Russian, including the Bible, prayers, and sermons. Many of russian orthodox writers still not translated to the foreign languages or partly translated but their contribution is unvaluable, there are such name as: святитель игнатий Брянчанинов, святитель Феофан Затворник, святой праведный Иоанн Кронштадский, игуменья Арсения (Себрякова), архимандрид Иоанн (Крестьянкин), схиигумен Иоанн (алексеев) and many many other names. Learning Russian will help you better understand these texts and get more out of reading them. 
  1. **Participating in church services.** If you attend Russian Orthodox churches, knowing Russian will be helpful for understanding services and participating in them. You'll be able to better comprehend prayers, hymns, and sermons, as well as engage in discussions and communication with other parishioners. 
  1. **Maintaining ties with homeland.** Studying Russian helps maintain ties with your native culture and traditions, even if you live far from Russia. This can be particularly important for those who want to pass on their values and beliefs to their children and grandchildren. 

Overall, learning Russian can be a valuable tool for personal development, broadening your horizons, and strengthening ties with Russian culture and the Orthodox faith.

I am about to graduate from the Moscow Theological Academy in Sergiev Posad, where I study theology, Orthodox pedagogy, psychology and Church Slavonic. In addition, for two years I have been studying Ancient Greek at courses at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, which helps me better understand sacred texts and writings of the Holy Fathers of the Eastern Church.

This experience has been invaluable in my personal and professional development, and I look forward to applying my knowledge and skills now and in the future.

If you're ready to take the next step in your religious journey, contact me today! I look forward to helping you reach your goals and deepen your connection with Orthodox Christianity through the power of language.

Miriam Benkler

Die Russische Sprachschule war während meiner Zeit in Krasnojarsk ein sehr wichtiger und angenehmer Platz für mich. Erstens konnte ich dort, durch einen qualifizierten Sprachkurs mein Russisch verbessern. Außerdem habe ich tolle Menschen nicht nur aus Krasnojarsk, sondern auch aus anderen Ländern kennengelernt. Sie wurden zu meinen Freunden. Ich bin zum Unterricht immer gerne gekommen, denn die Themen, über die gesprochen wurden, waren aktuell und interessant und das Lernen in den kleinen Gruppen hat Spaß gemacht.

Miriam Benkler


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