As an experienced teacher of Russian as a foreign language (RFL), I develop my own individual educational route for each student. This allows me to take into account the characteristics, goals and abilities of each student, which helps them achieve their learning objectives more effectively.
The course is consistent with the general principles of modern RFL teaching methods. I use the textbooks "5 Элементов" and "Поехали", as well as additional learning materials that are relevant to the topic being studied. These materials help students improve their language skills in all areas: grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading and writing.
When building a work system, I take into account the individual characteristics of the student. For example, if the student has difficulty using grammar, then I include more grammatical exercises in the course. If the student has problems with listening comprehension, we pay more attention to this aspect. If the student reads or writes poorly, there will be more tasks in the course to develop these skills.
I also pay attention to the level of motivation and interest of each student in the learning process. I try to make the lessons interesting and engaging so that students enjoy studying Russian.
In addition, I regularly conduct tests and quizzes to track the progress of each student and adjust the course content accordingly. This helps me ensure that each student receives the most effective learning experience possible.
Overall, my goal as a teacher is to create a supportive and stimulating environment for my students to learn Russian. By developing individual educational routes and adapting the course content to the needs of each student, I strive to help them achieve their goals and become confident users of the Russian language.
I want to invite everyone interested in improving their knowledge of the Russian language to take a test. To do this, just follow the link provided.
The test will help you assess your current level of proficiency and identify areas that need more attention. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced learners. So, don't hesitate to try it!
Listening |
I can understand simple words and phrases, provided that people speak very slowly and very clearly or repeat when I ask them to. I can understand simple personal questions (e.g. “What is your name?” “What are your hobbies?” “What’s your address?” “What’s your job?” etc.) I can understand times and dates, numbers and prices. I can understand simple directions how to get from X to Y, provided that people speak slowly and clearly. |
Reading |
I can find basic information (names, titles, times, venues, prices, etc.) in maps, timetables, railway or plane tickets, cinema or theatre tickets. I can understand menus at the restaurant and the main ingredients of dishes. I can understand the main points in short newspaper/magazine stories written in simple familiar language. I can figure out the meaning of unknown words from context. |
Speaking |
I can establish contact with people using simple words and phrases, provided that people speak very slowly and very clearly or repeat when I ask them to. I can ask people questions (about their names, where they live and work, things they have) and understand the main information in their answers. I can give personal information (family, address, work, colleagues, hobbies and friends, etc.) I can use and understand simple numbers in everyday conversations (for example the time of meeting, bus numbers, prices in shops). I can order simple food and drink in restaurants/cafes. I can use simple everyday polite forms of greetings (“privet”/”zdravstvuyte”), introductions (name or name/patronymic), modes of address (“ty”/”Vy”). |
Writing |
I can write about myself, work, family, hobbies and where I live, using short simple sentences. I can complete a questionnaire with my personal details (address, phone number, age, work, family, etc.) I can write simple phrases, for example, a text message so that people understand my location and the time of meeting. I can write short letters or e-mails with the help of a dictionary about where I am, what I am doing, what I think about a book/film/play/meeting, etc. |
Listening |
I can understand what people say to me in simple, everyday conversation, if they speak clearly and slowly and give me help. I can understand spoken language, delivered at a fast speech, on topics that are familiar (work, family, friends) or in everyday situations in shops, hotels, etc. I can understand what people say to me even if don’t know all the words. I can understand their meaning from context or using a language known to me. I can understand names, numbers and the main information in transport, shops or everyday situations. |
Reading |
I can understand short simple texts. I can short letters from friends, business partners or colleagues. I can find the most important information in menus, advertisements, catalogues, timetables and newspaper/magazine stories. I can understand the main points in short simple texts (short stories, articles, instructions) about familiar everyday subjects if the texts have clear logical structure or if there is visual support. |
Speaking |
I can start a conversation and get necessary information in shops, post offices, travel agencies, banks, etc. I can order food and drink in a restaurant/cafe. I can use polite forms of greetings and farewells, ask people how they feel/say how I feel, make and accept/refuse an invitation to a theatre/restaurant, make and accept apologies. I can ask and answer simple questions about everyday topics. I can handle most everyday situations. In other situations I can ask my partner for help or use a dictionary. I can describe my family, place where I live, what I like and what I don’t like, what I usually do at home, at work, in my free time. I can ask my partner questions about familiar topics. |
Writing |
I can write about myself, where I live, about my everyday life, about my work and free time, express my opinion on simple issues, answer simple questions, make and accept/refuse my friend’s invitation. I can make arrangements about time and place of an excursion, show, party, meeting, etc. I can write short letters to friends, business partners, colleagues. I can use a dictionary if a letter is on an unfamiliar topic. I can complete a questionnaire with information about my age, place of residence, my job/educational background, my interests, etc. |
Listening |
I can understand everyday topics delivered in standard spoken language. I can predict the development of a short simple conversation. I can understand the main points of extended speeches/discussions, radio/TV programmes on topics of personal interests. |
Reading |
I can follow the story line in lengthy everyday stories and articles about familiar situations, events and people. I can identify any change of subject, place and time. I can understand simple letters from friends, relatives, colleagues about events, feelings and wishes. I can understand the main points in newspaper articles and factual texts on subjects of my professional interests. I can identify information that might be of practical use for me and read it in detail using dictionaries. I can read very simple short stories and simplified versions of novels, making use of a dictionary. I can analyze relationships of the characters and compare them with my personal experience. |
Speaking |
I can converse spontaneously on topics that are familiar or of personal interest (e.g. family, work, hobbies, travelling, recent news etc.). I know enough vocabulary to talk about most everyday topics. If I don’t understand something I can ask to clarify or elaborate what they have just said. I can handle everyday situations while travelling in Russia, e.g. shopping, in the street, on the public transport. I can start, maintain and close conversations/discussions on topics that are familiar. I might need help of my partner to express a complex idea or change the topic of a conversation. I can use lengthy complex phrases to express my thoughts on my plans/dreams/goals and wishes. I can explain my point of view. I can express my opinion on abstract topics like books/films/important events. If I can’t think of a word, I can use a word meaning something similar or describe context/situation so that people understand me. |
Writing |
I can write simple texts on familiar subjects or subjects related to my interests. I can write letters to my friends, relatives or colleagues relating to news and giving/asking for opinion or describing my experiences/feelings. I can write about interesting experiences or events (a concert, exhibition, trip), describing my feelings and reactions. I can describe a plot of a film/book, express my opinion, likes and dislikes. I can write standard formal letters, following a template. I can write notes to friends or colleagues, relating to my news/plans and giving/asking for simple information. |
J'ai passé un super séjour en Russie où j'ai pu suivre des cours intensifs de Russie auprès d'une équipe pédagogiqu