Shushenskoye village

Visit Lenin’s places  and traditional Siberian village in the south of Siberia

The best way to learn Russian language in Russia is language and cultural immersion. That is why we invite you to join this trip. In the south of Siberia, in the heart of Siberian cultural life there is Shushenskoye village. In Soviet times this place was known as a “Lenin’s place”, because Vladimir Lenin and his wife Nadezdha Krupskaya were sent there by the Russian Empire government to exile.

The house where they lived and the place around it were firstly made into the museum of Lenin’s exile. Then the museum became a Новая деревня (New Village complex).

So during your stay in this village you can feel like a real “Сибиряк” (Siberian) of the 19th century. There are 8 typical Siberian estates of the 19th century built using the real house plans with the real stuff inside. Moreover all of these houses are quite comfortable for tourists to stay.

Every July Shushenskoye becomes the center of Ethno music and culture because of the festival called "Music and Crafts of Siberia".

During this trip you can also visit  Саяно-Шушенская ГЭС (Sayan hydropower electro station)

Description of the trip

Length of the trip: 2 nights, 3 days
Amount of participants: 3-8
Average weather in Shushenskoye: summer + 25 C; winter – 18 C
Departure  Friday evening / Saturday morning

Schedule of the trip

1st day. Friday

Departure from school the school at 14.00.

Duration: 7 hours.

On your long way you will enjoy typical Siberian views: taiga forests, Yenisey river and Krasnoyarsk sea, Khakasia steppes, oddly-shaped mountains and  huge pine tree forests. On your way you will spend time practising your Russian while playing word games and having fun with your tutors.

Arrival to Shushenskoye village, dinner in a traditional Russian café, anight in the Новая деревня (New Village) hotel in a double room.

2nd day. Saturday

Breakfast in a traditional Russian café.

A guided tour of  Новая деревня (New Village), traditional pottery, cooper or weaving demonstration.

Lunch in a traditional Russian café.

Traditional old Russian activities in the evening.

Optional: one-day immersion to the 19th century’s Siberian peasant’s lifestyle, including anight at a peasants' house, Siberian food and “banya” (Russian hot baths).

3rd day. Sunday

Breakfast in a traditional Russian café.

Trip to a famous Sayan-Shushenskoye hydropower electric station.

Departure to Krasnoyarsk.


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 Ricardo Garcia Cosculluela

En la escuela My Russian School in Siberia, de Krasnoyarsk, pasé un curso intensivo de lengua rusa de un mes de duración. A pesar de que no tengo facilidad para los idiomas tuve un gran avance tanto en gramática como en conversación gracias a mi excelente profesora (Lisa) y a la dirección de la escuela, que se ocupó también  de organizar visitas a los museos de la ciudad, teatros, concieros, excursiones, etc.

Estuve alojado en casa de una familia rusa, que me ayudó también a aprender a conversar.

¿Por qué elegí la escuela en la ciudad siberana de Krasnoyarsk? Lo habitual es estudiar ruso en Moscú o en San Petersburgo que, ciertamente, son ciudades extraordinarias …Pero las ciudades de Siberia, con no ser pequeñas, tienen algo que no se encuentra en una gran ciudad. En primer lugar, la extraordinaria calidez de sus habitantes y su amabilidad. En Krasnoyarsk se puede descubrir la cultura siberiana, tan desconocida en Europa, visitar sus deliciosos museos de cultura local, asistir a teatros y a los numerosos concieros que se celebran en la ciudad, pasear por el hermoso centro de la ciudad, navegar por el gran río Yenisey (el 5º más largo del mundo), practicar trekking o esquiar en el parque nacional de Stalby…

No quiero olvidarme de sus deliciosos restaurantes, desde los más sencillos de comida rápida a los excelentes restaurantes de la ciudad, muchos de ellos de cocina internacional: china, italiana, americana, caucásica, japonesa, mongola, tártara, etc.

En fin, recomiendo vivamente la escuela My Russian School in Siberia, en Krasnoyarsk, para aquellos estudiantes que se sientan atraídos por conocer lugares sorprendentes y agradables.


Ricardo Garcia Cosculluela


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